delete themselves randomly
An entity is just a glorified lua table, pretty much.
They contain "components", which are just key-values in the table.
First, lets understand the types of components.
There are 2 component types, "shared" and "regular":
Component: | Shared component | Regular component |
Ownership: | Shared between entities of the same type | Each entity has unique copy |
Takes space? | No | Yes |
Modifiable? | No(t really) | Yes |
Removable? | No | Yes |
Saved per entity? | No | Yes |
Overridable? | Yes; turns into Regular component | No |
Can hold functions? | Yes | No |
Other than this, Regular components and Shared components affect entities in the same way.
Lets see an example!
Before we create an entity though, we must define an entity-type!
(Think of this like a "class" in OOP)
To define an entity type, return a table from a file inside of entities/
UMG will automatically load the entity-type, and put a constructor inside of the server.entities
Lets see an example of an entity-type:
-- entities/bullet.lua
return {
projectile = {
damage = 30 -- does 30 dmg
light = {size = 40} -- size of light = 40px
The stuff you see inside the table are "Shared components".
If we want to add "Regular components", we need to make an actual entity.
local entity = server.entities.bullet()
-- Ok! Lets add some Regular components to our bullet entity:
entity:addComponent("x", 10) -- adds regular component, x=10
entity.y = 5 -- same as entity:addComponent("y", 5)
entity.randomComponent4834 = "foo!!!!" -- etc etc
-- now, our entity has some Regular components:
print(entity.x) -- 10
print(entity.y) -- 5
print(entity.randomComponent4834) -- "foo!!!!"
-- We can access shared components in the same way:
print(entity.light) -- {size = 40}
print(entity.projectile) -- {damage = 30}
There are some methods we can call, too:
ent:delete() -- deletes an entity.
-- (This can only be used serverside!)
-- Deleting an entity will automatically delete it for all clients next tick.
ent:type() -- example_mod:my_entity
-- returns the type of the entity.
-- returns true if entity has component `x`, false otherwise
-- returns true if "compName" is a regular component in ent, false otherwise
-- returns true if compName2 is a shared component in ent, false otherwise