API Cheatsheet
Brief API overview for UMG.
see love2d for their API reference.
love -- love2d modules:
-- entities are accessed and spawned by this table!
-- (only available serverside.)
local ent = server.entities.my_entity()
ent:addComponent("compName", 10) -- adds component
ent:hasComponent("compName") -- false
ent:isShared("foo") -- checks if `foo` is a shared component
ent:isRegular("bar") -- checks if `bar` is a regular component
-- returns `true` if `ent` is an active entity, false otherwise
-- use `umg.group` to create a group:
local mygroup = umg.group("comp1", "comp2", ...) -- gets an entity group.
-- group methods:
mygroup:onAdded(function(ent) print("ent has been spawned!") end)
mygroup:onRemoved(function(ent) print("ent deleted :(") end)
mygroup:has(ent) -- true/false, whether the group contains `ent`
umg.extend("parent_ent", ent_def)
-- deepcopies all data from entity `parent_ent` into table `ent_def`.
-- useful for doing OOP-like inheritance in entity definitions.
-- event buses:
-- events must be defined before they can be used.
umg.on("modname:my_event", func) -- listens to a local event
umg.call("modname:my_event", ...) -- broadcasts a local event
-- question buses:
umg.defineQuestion("modname:my_question", math.max)
-- questions must be defined before they can be used.
umg.answer("modname:my_question", reducer)
umg.ask("modname:my_question", ...)
umg.register(name, alias) -- registers a resource for serialization
local data = umg.serialize(obj) -- NOTE: If obj involves an entity, the entity id is set to nil.
local obj, err = umg.deserialize(data) -- deserializes data.
umg.expose("var", value) -- exports `var` to the global mod namespace.
-- Now, all other mods can access `value` through the `var` global.
client -- Client-side api
client.send(event_name, ...) -- sends a message to server
client.on(event_name, func) -- listens to a message from server
client.lazySend(event_name, ...) --lazy send: arrival not guaranteed
client.atlas -- access to global texture atlas
-- Images are automatically put in the texture atlas,
-- and are auto-batched.
client.atlas:draw(quad, x,y, r, sx,sy, ox,oy) -- draws quad.
client.getUsername() -- gets client username
client.getMasterVolume() -- volume:
client.assets -- ( holds image and sound assets )
client.assets.images -- ( where quads are loaded )
assets.images["modname:asset_name"] = love2d_quad, -- OR:
assets.images["asset_name"] = love2d_quad
client.assets.sounds -- ( where sounds are loaded )
assets.sounds["modname:sound_name"] = love2d_source, -- OR:
assets.sounds["sound_name"] = love2d_source
server -- Server-side api
server.broadcast(event_name, ...) -- broadcasts an event to clients
server.unicast(username, event_name, ...) -- unicasts to one client
server.lazyBroadcast(event_name, ...) -- lazy broadcast: efficient, arrival not guaranteed
server.lazyUnicast(username, event_name, ...) -- lazy unicast: efficient, arrival not guaranteed
server.save(name, data) -- saves data to string `name`, (relative to world)
server.load(name) -- loads data from string `name` (relative to world)
-- extra math functions:
math.vec2(x,y) -- vector2 class
math.vec3(x,y) -- vector3 class
math.clamp(x, lower, upper)
math.distance(x, y, [z]) -- z is optional argument. Gets euclidean distance
Most lua functions can be used as well, such as setmetatable
, rawget
, pairs
, require
, etc etc.
, io
, ffi
and debug
modules have been disabled.