Event buses and Question buses are the heart of UMG.
Without them, UMG would be worthless.
Event buses:
- Dispatch events with
- When we dispatch information, we don't care who responds
- Respond to events with
- (Similar to pub-sub design pattern)
Question buses:
- Request information with
- When we gather information, we don't care who gives it
- Provide information with
- (Similar to pub-sub design pattern, but in reverse)
Remember that in UMG, we have clientside AND serverside.
Buses are not synced across the network.
Both client and server have their own buses.
Example usage:
-- `rendering:drawEntity` is an event being emitted by the `rendering` mod.
umg.on("rendering:drawEntity", function(ent)
-- draw a circle around all drawn entities:
love.graphics.circle("line", ent.x, ent.y, 50)
Example of question bus usage:
umg.answer("xy:getSpeedMultiplier", function(ent)
if ent.health and ent.health < 50 then
-- entities below 50 health move twice as fast!
return 2
Creating our own events:
We can also create our own events:
umg.on("my_mod:hello", function(a,b,c)
-- creates a function that listens to `hello` events
print("Hello one: ", a,b,c)
umg.on("my_mod:hello", function(a,b,c)
-- creates another function that listens to `hello` events
print("Hello two: ", a,b,c)
-- emits a `hello` event:
umg.call("my_mod:hello", 1, "ent", {})
Hello one: 1 "ent" {}
Hello two: 1 "ent" {}
Engine events
There are a lot of events emitted by the engine.
These events are prexied with @
, which means they are special.
For example, @update
is an event called every frame. It's like the game loop.
@update (dt)
-- Example usage:
umg.on("@update", function(dt)
local p = getPlayer()
updatePlayer(p, dt)
@update ( dt ) -- called every frame (like love.update)
@tick () -- Represents one tick.
-- Ticks are special, because they are synced between server/client.
@load ()-- called when the mods and entities are done loading
@playerJoin (username) -- called when `username` joins the server
@playerLeave (username) -- called when `username` leaves the server
-- Client-side only:
@draw () -- when stuff should get drawn (like love.draw)
@keypressed ( key, scancode, isrepeat ) -- same as love.keypressed
@mousepressed (x, y, button, istouch, presses) -- same as love.mousepressed
Non-engine events:
Here some other example callbacks that are defined by mods:
"rendering:drawEntity" ( ent ) -- an entity is getting drawn
"mortality:entityDeath" ( ent ) -- an entity dies